Monday, May 14, 2012

Photoshop Practice

Sometimes, as a photographer, you may be called upon to do the impossible in post-production. Not that this particular example is impossible, but - let no one kid you - even with the most advanced camera, expertise, and techniques, there are no perfect shots straight out of the camera. Leaving opinions and taste aside, any photo can be improved by editing, in my opinion.
I was shooting and developing black and white film 40 years ago and what I would have given if Photoshop and computers had been around!
Anyway, and back to the point of this blog, I shot our two Huskies through the chain-link pen the other day, using the low-speed continuous drive mode. The before shot above (top) is two shots from that session, stitched together, using Photomerge in Photoshop CS3 Extended.
The bottom photo is the same one after using the clone stamp tool and spot healing brush tool to remove the fence and general touch-up. (The latest version is CS6 with tools that can do this job faster and easier).

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