Thursday, August 30, 2018

And Then, Last Night...


Summer lightning is pretty typical for the South, still, this was intense last night.
Pam was giving it the old 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi.....but I never heard the thunder. I HAVE always heard, "when thunder roars, go indoors"; was out there for a while. I didn't take the time to hook up the shutter remote, so I just shot several for 30 seconds each.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Long Train Running

It rolled up on the horizon, then just as suddenly, it moved on.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Morning Flowers Around The Crib


Testing the old 70-210 lens on some close-ups this morning.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Chicken Hawk

July 31, 2018

I have observed quite a few sights out my upstairs bathroom window. It overlooks a big hollow that is used primarily as a hayfield. Beyond it is the newest city lake. In all, it makes for the perfect wildlife habitat.
It was just a day or so since this field had been mowed, that this hawk made a several-day event of appearing rather close to the house.