Saturday, November 20, 2010

This lane leads to Lawrence County Park, on the Tennessee River. It's at the site where General Joe Wheeler crossed the river during the Civil War. His daughter, Annie, had a huge monument placed on the bluff overlooking the spot, dedicated to him.

Surprise Christmas Gift

My brother's girlfriend borrowed some my mother's pictures of Keith when he was younger and asked me if I could help her make him a Christmas gift. I scanned the pics, gave them rough edges, shot my wife's old red leather trunk from above, then layered the scans above it. I printed these three 11 x 14 and will mount them on foamboard. I think he will like them.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mid-November Tennessee

An unexpected treat-trip to Tennessee yesterday. It had rained the night before with a cold front coming through and the sun played hide/and/seek all day. But it's beautiful up there rain or shine and on our return trip, we passed this old crib right on side of the road; had to stop and shoot it. We saw a lot of other good shots but it was not the right time of day to take them and we didn't have the time to wait.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Autumn Is Here

Made another trip to Lock A of Wheeler Dam, on the Tennessee River in Alabama. This was on the drive in.