Wednesday, December 29, 2010

R.I.P. Pumpkin

This pic is of Pumpkin two years ago in the garden. We lost Pumpkin yesterday. She was Emily and Pam's 14 year old orange tabby, aka "Queen". She went down dramatically the past month from a butterball to fur and bones. We believe it was a combination of diabetes/kidney failure that did her in. Needless to say, Pam is devastated - these pets are family to her.
Here is how Pam stated it on her Facebook page, "It is not we who own our pets, but in truth, it is they who own us. I believe they are sent as little furry guardian angels to comfort us in good times and bad. When they go, they take a piece of us with them.

Monday, December 27, 2010

White Nia

Nia is 7 months old now, and this was her first snow. She loved romping in it!

Christmas Morning,2010

This is what we woke up to Christmas morning. Nothing unusual for winter, but this North Alabama. I can't recall ever having a measurable snowfall and white Christmas during my lifetime.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

This lane leads to Lawrence County Park, on the Tennessee River. It's at the site where General Joe Wheeler crossed the river during the Civil War. His daughter, Annie, had a huge monument placed on the bluff overlooking the spot, dedicated to him.

Surprise Christmas Gift

My brother's girlfriend borrowed some my mother's pictures of Keith when he was younger and asked me if I could help her make him a Christmas gift. I scanned the pics, gave them rough edges, shot my wife's old red leather trunk from above, then layered the scans above it. I printed these three 11 x 14 and will mount them on foamboard. I think he will like them.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mid-November Tennessee

An unexpected treat-trip to Tennessee yesterday. It had rained the night before with a cold front coming through and the sun played hide/and/seek all day. But it's beautiful up there rain or shine and on our return trip, we passed this old crib right on side of the road; had to stop and shoot it. We saw a lot of other good shots but it was not the right time of day to take them and we didn't have the time to wait.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Autumn Is Here

Made another trip to Lock A of Wheeler Dam, on the Tennessee River in Alabama. This was on the drive in.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Autumn Approaching

I took a few shots of the feeding frenzy yesterday morning. My wife had filled it up early in the morning and I recorded this just before noon. It was empty by the time she returned home from work. We have two feeders.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Signs & Wonders

It was such a glorious sunrise out my front door this morning, I had to try and capture it. With it being the last day of August and late summer waning, it was something I just didn't want to let slip by - you never know if this could be the last one you see.

Something beckoned me to turn around - what could possibly be of interest in the sky in the west? I turned around and was awe-struck! This is what I saw. AWESOME! I stood there for a while, with chill- bumps on both arms. And then I cried.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


5 Months
Well, just as I figured sooner or later, I wouldn't keep up with the once-a-week shots, 'cause Life happened. I guess I'll just hit the high spots from now on. These last two shots were today - at 5 months old. Nia was spayed yesterday (today is actually the 23rd of October). The bandages were from having dew claws removed from her back legs. She has come through pretty good, though. Glad that's over.

18 weeks
17 weeks
16 weeks
15 weeks

14 weeks
13 weeks
12 weeks

11 weeks
10 weeks
9 weeks
8 weeks
7 weeks
6 weeks
5 weeks

We've adopted a little female Siberian Husky, named Nia. It is my intention of chronicling her march to adulthood each week. We'll see how that turns out....any comments would be welcomed!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More Flowers

Working in early morning light and in macro. Click on pictures for a larger view.